Full voltage range selection for any power system
PANJITは5KWの表面実装型TVSダイオードシリーズをは販売開始しました。 このシリーズのTVSダイオードは、異なる構造に応じて異なる耐圧範囲を持っています。単方向TVSの定格電圧範囲は12V~100Vであり、主にホットプラグアプリケーションを搭載したサーバーマザーボードが使用されています。その目的は、ホットプラグ時に発生するサージを低減し、電子部品を保護することです。一方、双方向TVSの定格電圧範囲は12V~36Vであり、主にI/OインターフェースとVCCバスの保護に使用されています。
Target Application
- Server Motherboard
- I/O Interface
- VCC bus production

Recommended devices

12V Power System

24V Power System

48V Power System
PANJIT International Inc. (TWSE: 2481) has vertical integration capability and IDM design technology. Our business scope covers frontend wafer design, manufacturing, backend assembly and marketing under our own brand name. We are committed to investing in innovation R&D, enhancing automation, and optimizing manufacturing workmanship. Our product range includes MOSFET, SiC diode, FRED, bridge rectifier, rectifier diode, Schottky diode, TVS, ESD, and BJT, which are used in EVs, wind power, solar power, and UPS energy storage systems. Our products meet JEDEC standards and are manufactured in sites with relevant system certificates such as ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO 14000, ISO45001, IECQ QC080000, and ESD S20.20. We are committed to reducing global carbon emissions and aim to achieve carbon neutrality before 2040 and to become an advocate for the industry towards low-carbon sustainable development.
Sample available
These new products can be purchased from PANJIT's E-commerce channels DigiKey and Mouser.